Thursday, 27 September 2012


Why is visualisation important when taking a photograph?

In my opinion, visualisation is important when taking a photograph because without an initial idea for the overall composition, lighting and subjects of the image, the photograph is likely to be - for lack of a better word - a mess. If you just 'point and shoot' at an image, the artistic elements of an image aren't likely to be considered as much as if they would be if you visualised it first.

Why is visualising essential when creating pinhole images?

When it comes to pinhole images, visualising the image first is incredibly important because unlike other cameras it doesn't have a view hole. This means that when positioning your camera you need to have a good idea of what you want in the frame and what a certain position will capture as you can only open the shutter once per piece of photography paper. It is also much harder to edit pinhole images as they are developed in the dark room and therefore it is more important to visualise and get things correct before and during taking the photographs.

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